Just 90 minutes: A New You
Ninety minutes over a thirty-day period, which means JUST three minutes a day is all you need to build a new foundation of self-connection.
Which leads to real confidence, emotional stability, better decisions, less fear, more love, more peace, more opportunities, authentic abundance, and last but certainly not least, more SELF-LOVE.
This powerful yet easy 30 day program will build the intimate relationship to yourself that’s needed to have an intimate relationship with life.
Learning to Self-serve stability like this will end the internal war and create an unshakeable internal trust.
When you know who you are, you teach the world how to love you, simply by being yourself.

Ladder to Lightness
Be the light ✨ of your own life✨
This self-discovery workbook will bring you closer to love; the love of self, the love of life, the love of the light within!
This book is for those who are striving for more! More laughter, more money, more fun, more love, more adventure.
A collection of raw and real stories chosen to inspire are inside. I take you inside my mind, traveling next to me around the world, learning as I learn, feeling as I felt.
The self-discovery experiments within have been thoughtfully created to lead you methodically and introspectively, into your true self.
For what works, for what feels right, for what matters, is unique to each of us and the path of discovery is the loving attention we all need.
With its built-in workbook and journal, and the principles it guides you through, this storytelling program will help you profoundly, positively, and permanently-that is without a doubt.

The Sunset on Malibu
The first page has a QR code that takes you to an audio chapter where I personally describe the day I hit rock bottom and flushed hundreds of dollars of drugs down the toilet.
From there, I take you into my mind and heart while I learn to manage life without the crutches I had grown accustomed to. I explore myself through a new clearer lens and find out what I’m actually made of.
My goal was to tell the truth in a way that might temper some fear of the unknown, to share some delicious nuggets of practical wisdom, and to make you laugh a little along the way!

I Am Ready
Empowering healing techniques everyone can do.
Are you ready to let that ish go and not stand in your past one minute longer?
The medicine you need to heal yourself lives inside this book.
Saving yourself and your relationships lives inside this book.
Storytelling that will inspire you to keep going and dig deep because if we can do it, you can do it, lives inside this book.
Your new life lives in this book.
You are ready and it’s time to let go.
You can do it. I’ll show you how.
and want some mentoring?