What if I told you…
What if I told you there was a dynamic and savvy business woman I wanted you to meet? She opened her first business at 27, after working overtime to pay her way through college. Milestoned her first million at thirty seven and then opened a second location, doubling her empire.
In her forties she went to treatment to choose a path of higher consciousness and wellness. After the year detox was complete, she left the states on a spiritual mission, confronting her fears to travel the world solo. Her six month adventure turned into eight years immersed in the school of life with more than one brush with death.
She’s taken plant medicines, done three day water fasts, immersed herself into solitude and silence, worked with shamanic healers, and learned from holistic practitioners all over the world.
What if I told you when she came back to America, trying to cultivate a mobile healing business, her bank account was hacked and she lost everything. She now had to live in the truck she was scouting in!
Never being knocked down for long, she pulled herself up and out of that dark hole by healing others, empowering them, and inspiring them, building another successful business hosting private retreats.
She’s published four books, an inspiring tell it all memoir, a travel based self-development with two editions that continues to change lives and perspectives, and her latest release, Just 90 Minutes to a New You, is a short and sweet guide to mastering emotional stability, presence, and creating an unshakeable internal trust…in just three minutes a day for 30 days.
She explores the world to stay balanced and inspired, she grows plants and swims in the ocean to stay grounded and well. She lives as a luxury minimalist, discernment and quality are her highest priorities.
At home, on the road, by the sand, she’s a free spirit with a grounded foundation. She has it all.
Would you want to meet this woman? Would you want to hear what she has to say?
After a year of working on myself in the LA recovery community, I knew I needed to take this opportunity to create a new life and do something that would crack my heart and my life wide open. So I followed in the footsteps of Anthony Bourdain, confronting my fears and expanding my senses simultaneously. A budding writer, a seasoned restauranteur with a passion for all culinary experiences, I remembered these words and went for it.
“Welcome to my world. As a cook, tastes and smells are my memories, and now I’m in search of new ones. So I’m leaving New York City in hopes of having a few epiphanies around the world and I’m willing to go to some lengths to do that. I’m looking for an extreme of emotions and experiences. I’ll try anything, I’ll risk everything, I’ve got nothing to lose.
I write, I eat, I travel and I am hungry for more…..Anthony Bourdain“
I went all in and said yes to everything.
I found a piece of my soul in every location.
I became the light ✨of my own life✨.
-Samantha Darling

I started off following in the footsteps of those before me, but getting off the beaten path and going my own way, was the medicine I truly needed. Embarking on a worldwide scavenger hunt for lost pieces of my soul, I never knew where I was headed or what I would find.
Exploring the flavors of the world brought me out of my comfort zone and forged connections through the language of food. Learning and trying new things kept me going back for more!
I went seeking love. The love of self, the love of a man, the love of the land, the love I had never had. More of it, all of it, some of it. A satisfaction that couldn’t be quenched by booze, food, shopping, or sex, I left outside salves behind one by one. The naturalistic medicines of the world were the libations that finally soothed my aching, restless soul.
The nourishment I sought was from the malnourished inner child I held, she wanted real nourishment.
When did I find it?
When I was on my own path alone in the dark, that’s when I found my light ✨.
A traveler on a never ending hero’s journey, I am here to help you find yours.
An alchemist who learned her trade.
I am Samantha Darling and I am the light of my own life.
Want to join me?
Places I’ve been

Wanna Work together?